Frank Cundiff from Project Echelon Racing joins us to discuss RGT, NCL, and pro bike racing in America. Cast: Frank Cundiff, Tim Strelecki, Mike Friedman, Robert Curtis
We dive in to topics like NBC getting the ASO contract for their races for the next 6 years as well as the esports world championships this weekend. Cast: Mike Friedman, Time Strelecki, Leah Sanda, and Robert Curtis
From cyclocross world championships, Sven tweets, Wahoo steering, and CABDA feedback. Cast: Mike Friedman, Tim Strelecki, Leah Sanda, Robert Curtis.
From talking about an article that came out about helmet use, Junior license fee increase, Lifetime's reality series on YouTube with some brief doper action. All in a good day's bike shop visit. Cast: Mike Friedman, Tim Strelecki, Leah Sanda, Robert Curtis.